Thu 09 Jan
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥
(Barrie, Belleville, Brantford-Woodstock, Chatham-Kent, Cornwall, everywhere, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Niagara Region, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Peterborough, Sarnia, Sault Ste Marie, S)
one night only Sandy You will like how I pamper you. Be there Sunday April 30th IN/Out - 48
(Hamilton, Hamilton and local area)
I N C A L L _________ S P E C I A L S __$70 80 150_ HUGE 36 DD'S -- CALL ME RIGHT NOW _B I G*TITTIES - 24
(lax torrance redondo southbay la 405 fwy)
$100 ** INCALLS ALL DAY LONG cAlL mE 4 A sUpEr hOt SeSsiOn I lUv wHaT I dO & iT sHoWs ** 36 DD'S **
(all southbay lax incalls only)
WARNING EXTREMELY JUI*CY(BBW) be prepared to get wet naughty and ready must see!!! - 25
(summerlin pkwy and buffalo)
*100 hr__ (submissive) 5 * STAR BLONDE American Dream (ANNA WHITE) 727 288 5163 (REAL PICS - 20
(ulmerton/ us 19)
941-467-8734 # Exit 182 or 191 - 47
(Fort Myers, Hillsborough Co, Pasco Co, Sarasota, South Venice / North Port /PC, Tampa)
Vivi is back 😈😈😈 call or text me now!! Is only me. OK guys. - 19
(41 North By the University, Sarasota)
FRESH Friday! Italian sweetheart. EQUAL parts CLASSY n trashy! UP early to fulfill U!! In/Out - 33
(Near downtown bradenton east 64 area, Sarasota)
Risk'e Femme Beauty (Dolce Mystique) Discreetly Nasty Unbelievably Classy Young Treat For 1 Gent - 24
(Los Angeles, Culver city, beach cities, Hollywood, sm)
*° SUPER *° S EXY *° T.I.F.F.A.N.Y° S W E E T ** N.YM.PH.O
** SuPer KinKY _____ SupER SkiLLed _____ ExPlOsIvE _____ NyMpHo____ ( Available Now 70 100 150 !!)
(405*105*lax southbay la manhattan torran)
_________ (( P e R f E c T )) !! ( S e X y & M i X x E d)~ * ~ S i M p l y ThE Best !! - 20
((( OUTCALL ! (24/7) !! (WEST LA) NCALL)
Now OPEN 24hrs *♥* College Cuties *♥* Sizzling Rubs *♥* Mind-Altering EnDings *♥* 100/hr!!! - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Sassy Little Blonde Nympho " Cumm Join My Naughty Little Party For Two" Incall - 29
(Central Phoenix)
WATCH OUT for this one!! STOP wasting YOUR time!! ** I LOVE every "POSITION" you can think of!! - 25
(In Phoenix)
*°PUSSY (Sooooooo) *(GoooooD)* (YOU) (WILL) Loooooooose CONTROL°*° - 20
(Meadowlands (Where U NEED to be))
==== ((( CLICK HERE ))) ==== YouNg SeXy BlonDe == ((( CLICK HERE ))) ==== $70*$100*$150!
(405*105 lax southbay redondo torrance la)
NaU GhTySPE CiaLS PECiaLs NOW - 22
°..-:¦: -..°♥~ I'LL ~ ~ BE ~ YOUR ~ DIRTY ~ LIL1oo ~ BLOnDE°..-:¦: -..°♥~ - 19
(irvine 4o5 &jamboree1oohh180hrspecials;)
TODAY *$80 Special* Call NOW !! HOTT Playmates !! Come enjoy :x Totally amazing Guyss - 20
Wed 08 Jan
*** W_E_T_ & ~~ * H_O_R_N_Y ~~ * ~~_L_E_T ~ (M_E) ~ R_O_C_K + Y_O_U_R ~~~ C =o=C=k !~
(my place/ some outcalls)
Shhh... I Need Complete Silence Because I Am Going To Make Your Rabbit Disappear... - 28
(North Phoenix - 19th Ave.)
😱LAST NIGHT IN KITCHENER😱💋👅F®reaky G®eek🍑 MIST®ESS 💋🌹 B❤️B❤️B❤️J😍🎀👙Paige👙🎀 - 24
(Kitchener, OUTCALLS/INCALLS TO Weber st E.)
xXx RATED Eb0Ny MiXxX! ➜ *FLiRTy, FrEaKy (+) iM A SUPeR SQUiRTeR* LaSt ChanCe SpeCials* - 21
60hh!!WARNING EXTREMELY JUI*CY be prepared to get wet (sexy ass BBW!) naughty and ready! Must See!!!
(okc/in call and out call)
100! 100! 100! 100! 100! 100! 100! TODAY ONLY!!! '''''''''''''' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
_________100 1/2 HR __ BACKPAGES NO.1 GIRL HERE FOR YOU ;) ______ INCALLS - 21
(Incall Tarpon Springs)
Monica Star $30qv☆super juicy☆ Sexy BBW ☆☆incall or outcall warm and tasty ☆☆ - 30
(Myrtle Beach, Your place or mine)
Let me do the things she wont! incall in brunswick co, outcall.. anywhere u want me! New Number! - 32
(Myrtle Beach, horry co and brunswick co)
A=B=S=0=L=U=T=E == P=L=E=A=S=U=R=E ** $100 D EL iCi OU S **S PE CiALS** - 22
(West Los Angeles, 10 Fwy, La Brea exit)
WARNING EXTREMELY JUI*CY be prepared to get wet naughty and ready must see!!! (BBW) - 25
(summerlin pkwy and buffalo)
♥ GFE tuesday SPECIAL ♥ New hot DIRTY-BLONDE petite SEXY body! ♥ __ Nicole__ - 20
(tampa IN AND OUT!)
LITTLE HOT NAUGHTY NYMPHO Love All The Twisted Stuff - Incall Only Daytimes - 22
(Central Phoenix Norht Of The Airport)
Wet Kitty Eager To Please! On My Knee's Amazing -XxX- SKiLLs 160/Hr* {Pt. Loma} 619 307 9175 - 22
((POINT LOMA) {8}{209s}{5}Fwy Incall-$100)
InCaLl sPeCiAL KinKy YoUnG ItAliAn HoRnY & ReAdY NoW InCaLl sPeCiAL - 19
50 sPeCiaL- *mS dee' liShEs* SeXXXiE aSiaN/blk NyMpHo gUarAnTeeD to mAke u leAkbuCkeTs (409-457-1315 - 20
Dallas's Nastiest Nympho TKO's all the Rest... Sultry Ebony & Asian Playmate VISITING - 21
I want it on my Face Daddy! super freaky ((sexxxy BBW)) All access Granted!! ! im coming 2 u!
(n okc)
Thursday am. special Sexy wild 💞 and in style. It's worth the extra mile - 28
(Muskegon, Muskegon, Grand Haven, and surrounding a)
Tampa Incall Only 10am/4pm Mature Tan/Tone 36DD Blonde 125 Lbs 5'6" T3R 148394 Fetish Friendly - 46
(My Discreet Gated Home In Tampa Only, Sarasota)
T a k e . I t . T u e s D a y . . S u p e r O u t c a l l Low Rate S p e c i a l . . Now - 25
(Sarasota, Local)
★ ToDaY's SpEciAL*YoU DeSeRvE RoYaL TrEaTmEnt;*Be My KiNg &I;'LL Be YoUr NaUgHtY QuEeN*☆ - 21
(lN: LasVegas/OUT: Henderson& Summerlin)
___ $ _ 1 0__0 ___ N _ O ___ R _ U _ S _ H ___ ___ H _O_U_ R ___1_5__0 - 21
Stunning Selena (looking for more than average look no more I'm the girl who has it all!) - 26
(lansing but can travel)
`'ll█♥█▒ █STOP ▒100 █▒ SPECIAL$█ ALL NIGHT▒ long___(LOVE OF YOUR LIFE___) b"lonDEBOMB ___shell - 20
(Detroit, Madison heights , Troy,)